NOTE — We intend to fundraise in three steps to reach the total, funding goal. Below, please find a simplified breakdown of those steps. For a better idea of what all goes into the listed goals, please see the Departments page or the FAQ page. Here, we’ll also give details on a cash prize drawing to be held if the total, funding goal is reached.
Ep 01
— At minimum, this allows the opportunity to make the first episode and to try to purchase some (pre-owned) gear, like a camera kit and rigs. The investment in gear upfront helps cut the costly rental loop in the future and allows greater flexibility in filming, as production won’t be at the mercy of what and when things are available at a rental house or in a filming location.
Set A
+ $825,000
— This funds episodes 2-4. Episodes are written in sets of four, with an umbrella theme per set. Set A is broadly marked as “First Days.” In the episodes, we find the characters in the immediate days after landing in which they’re getting to know each other and the new place they are in. There’s still hope for a flight out, until a few characters decide - or have it decided for them - to stay just a little longer.
Set B
+ $1,100,000
— This funds episodes 5-8. Set B is broadly marked as “On Holiday.” In the episodes, we find the characters in a honeymoon period abroad (with the occasional nightmare, of course). It’s a boom period in which the characters learn more about each other and the new place they’re in. By the end of episode 8, it should be established that everyone is going to stay more permanently, setting up the next part of the story.
$10 for $10k
— The primary reasons for creating a custom website for So Far Bound’s fundraising - as opposed to using sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo - is that we wanted more flexibility in design and outreach, plus we wanted to have larger “rewards” if the funding goal is met. If we can reach our greatest goal of eight episodes, we’d like to give a $10,000 cash prize to 10, different people through a drawing. And, in the spirit of the series storyline, we hope the winners will use that cash prize toward some awesome travel. Here’s the rundown:
To be entered into the drawing, please contribute at least $10 to the project.
During checkout, leave a contact email which will be used in the drawing. (And don’t worry; there’s no newsletter or spam).
If the total, funding goal is reached (8 episodes), a drawing will be held afterward with the emails given.
Winners will be contacted at their given email to set up the prize transfer.
You can certainly contribute more than once to the project, during the different steps of funding, however, we’ll only input the email once into the drawing database.
Season 1
TBD Cost
— For context, episodes 1-8 (Sets A and B) would complete Part 1 of a 10 part story, as currently outlined. The next episodes (9-16) would continue to feature the passengers exploring their new world, but now with the added weight of trying to figure out more stable sources of housing, income and other, personal needs that they didn’t much care for in their earlier, “on holiday” period. Those 16 episodes would conclude Season 1, for which the broad theme is “discovery and exploration,” with the second season getting into sincere trials at settling.
Finally, there’s an idea in place to make two specials (TV movies or longer episodes) that each feature a main character in their home turf. The specials would be separate from the series, focusing on just one character. The idea is to see the character outside of the group and new world dynamic. Regular episodes wouldn’t feature flashbacks or deviate much from the group and the world at hand, so the specials could be a cool, little window into where the characters are from.
Season 1 =
Set A (Episodes 1-4)
Set B (Episodes 5-8)
Set C (Episodes 9-12)
Set D (Episodes 13-16)
Specials (Mei Ling, Gustavo)