Please note.

— The intention in advertising roles at this early stage is to identify key cast and crew members now and to take time (during fundraising) in familiarizing with the project, the roles and the objectives. That way, if and when sufficient funds are available, we’ll have already built the relationships and the knowledge to be ready to roll on pre-production as soon as possible.

Per logistics, after funding, we’d work with the main cast and crew to find a future filming window that works for the majority. Pay rates can be negotiated now, within the funding goal of the project. Flight and accommodation estimates are included in the budget. As such, we’re happy to meet with people from anywhere for key roles.

If you dig the So Far Bound concept, and would like to speak more, please send word to with the desired role as subject. Thanks so much for considering playing a part in the series. Cheers!

The top-priority roles.

Publishing Director

— The director helps in shaping the website as a vehicle for outreach and engagement. They can offer consultation on the user experience and help keep track of written features, artwork and updates for the site (essentially, help run a small, online magazine). Later, the director helps pivot the site to streaming and helps prep episodes for distribution.

Senior Director

— Ideally someone with experience and ambitions as a (film) director. The main objective will be to help in casting the main ensemble by reviewing reels and joining some individual calls or readings. Later, the director will continue to help shape the main cast and lead in finding the support ensemble. Finally, the director will be earmarked to direct episodes 5-8, or to scout and determine the director(s) for that set of episodes.

Next up (but still ready to discuss).

Executive Producer

— The producer helps with the current fundraising campaign; they consult on ideas for outreach and funding. Later, the producer takes charge of mapping the project’s longer-term marketing, distribution and sponsor/partner initiatives.

Creative Producer

— The producer helps scout and catalog department heads and filming locations and ultimately leads in putting all the pieces (locations, gear, props, etc.) together.